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We Are Here UK: British BME Women (2018)

I was invited to create a piece of artwork for the 100 Years, Today's Women’ Exhibition at LSE Library. The exhibition was centred around exploring women's suffrage and what 'the new suffragettes' and women's activism looks like today in 2018 from a British BME, woman's perspective.

My piece My Choice, My Voice’ aimed to challenge the stereotypes around the Hijab by capturing a woman proud of who she is, culture, religion, background and all. I wanted to protest the idea that Muslim women don’t belong by portraying them as people, not just part of the political discourse.

‘My Choice, My Voice’


Unread Magazine: Pockets of Inspiration (2019)

I was invited to submit my artwork for Unread Magazine’s Pockets of Inspiration event in Covent Garden, London; A panel discussion and networking opportunity for creative individuals and businesses all rolled into one big colourful evening for creatives to come together and be inspired.

My piece ‘Pastel Hijabis’ consisted of four Individual women wearing the hijab in their own unique way, expressing their personalities through colour, expression and style. I wanted to portray the women as confident Individuals bursting with personality in a time that often strips muslim women of their voices and see’s the scarf on their heads before seeing them as individuals.